Block Clubs
Block Clubs are one of the pillars of safe and healthy communities. That is why we’re doing all we can to support leaders starting new block clubs and block club presidents that need help reinvigorating their block.
Join our block club program and receive many amazing resources
A brand new hand painted block club sign that displays your block’s values
Community benches, garbage bins, and little pantries
Volunteers to help clean streets, alleys, vacant lots, and abandoned homes
Connection to a network of experienced block club leaders, each block club in attendance brings a perspective, a challenge, and block wisdom we all need to hear
Block Club services focus on communities that suffer from high violence and are in need of critical support
We are showing up for our neighbors, beautifying spaces, and working to create greater respect for community.
At My Block My Hood My City we believe that Community Safety begins with community building, resource sharing, and taking care of people no matter what.
Recent Data shows that:
Block Clubs areas have seen a reduction in gun violence since joining the program
M3 Block Clubs have seen a greater reduction in gun violence than the rest of Chicago